Institutions - Science - Directory

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Centro de Estudios Científicos / Center for Scientific Studies
A private, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, development and diffusion of scientific research
Forschungszentrum Jülich
German research center combines 40 institutes on a single campus, in areas ranging from nuclear physics to electronics, medicine to waste management
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Scientific research centre located in Zagreb, Croatia
Archive of Starlab Research Laboratories
A privately funded, 'blue sky' research institute in Brussels, Belgium, now closed
Research Triangle Institute
Research Triangle Institute conducts contract research that responds to priorities in medicine and pharmaceuticals, public health, advanced technologies, environmental protection, and public policies
The Scripps Research Institute
Private, non-profit research organization engaged in basic biomedical science
Science and Technology Center in Ukraine
Supports research and development activities for peaceful applications by Ukrainian, Georgian, and Uzbekistani scientists and engineers, formerly involved with development of weapons of mass destructi
Santa Fe Institute
Private, non-profit, multidisciplinary research and education center that pursues emerging science, largely on a theoretical level
Schafer Corporation
Technology company providing products and professional services to government and industry, in the areas of defense, space, and laboratory and analytical operations
The Rowland Institute for Science
A private, nonprofit organization with a broad charter to conduct advanced scientific research founded in 1980 by Edwin Herbert Land, and endowed by Land and his family
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