Bibliography - Reference - Directory

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Conservation Bibliography - BCIN
Searchable database of records gathered by a worldwide network of contributors
Romanticism Bibliography
Categorized by subject and author
The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies
Records journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations, and selected government publications on eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet Union
Jeffery Farnol Bibliography
Chronological list of Farnol's novels, and notes about biographical and related material; includes cover scans and plot summaries of many titles
The Bibliographical Society of America - BSA
Scholarly society dedicated to the study of books and manuscripts as physical objects
International System of Units
Bibliography of links, citations and online publications of the SI, the modern metric system of measurement, a language universally used in science, that has become the dominant language of internatio
Environmental History Bibliography
Contains over 28,000 annotated citations to books, articles, and dissertations published from 1633 to 2001
Economic Working Papers
Provides links to a range of online resources for bibliographies and working papers
Bibliography of Julian of Norwich
Materials related to the "Showing of Love" from The Godfriends Library
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism, and Philology
FTP directory including lists for individual authors and critical schools, literary theory, literary history, aesthetics, semiotics, and related subjects
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