Pictures of the piggies, guide to buying and caring for a new piggy, health and happiness |
Singaporean cavy owner, with information about his pigs and advice about health and supplies |
Kansas teenager makes award-winning movies (including Carrot Wars, a spoof of Star Wars) starring her guinea pigs for HBO and Nickelodeon |
Scrapbook of past and present guinea pigs, also helpful advice on health, food, and care |
Information on Guinea Pig care, rescues, art work, animations, piggy links |
Provides pictures, cavy experience stories, chat, links, poll, and calendar |
Caviary site includes many pictures of their beloved teddies, newborns, and caviary setup |
Learn how to look after your guinea pig, chat, read animal jokes and view a photo gallery |
About our guinea pigs with pictures, links, and helpful information |
FAQ, health alert, pregnancy topics, dietary information, and general store |