Tips on talking to kids about drugs, as well as information on specific drugs, slang names for drugs, what they look like, and frequently asked questions |
An ongoing study of the behaviors, attitudes, and values of American students and young adults funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse |
Resources for parents about teens, drugs, and drug education |
Features an article with guidelines on helping young parents' chances of having a healthy baby |
Information to help parents spot substance abuse in their teen, including over the counter medications, huffing of inhalants, and use of illegal drugs |
Fighting the teen alcohol and drug epidemic one family at a time |
Sexuality issues including pregnancy are explored in high tech |
Provides teens with a safe space ask questions and to get reliable information about marijuana and its effects |
In-depth partial graphic tutorial about alcohol examines all the ways in which alcohol affects the human body |
A prevention and wellness agency that provides workshops, conferences and programs empowering youth and adults and to create a kinder, more caring and drug-safe world |