Pharmacy - Health - Directory

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Manchester Drugs
A full service pharmacy offering both human and veterinary compounding services as well as national prescription and durable medical equipment delivery
Kalchem International
Kalchem International is a full line chemical company and can provide you with all your pharmaceutical compounding needs
Source for pharmacy news, drug information, jobs, continuing education, books and resources
Carroll Drugs Compounding Pharmacy
Full service pharmacy in Taneytown, Maryland offers natural hormone therapy and other human and veterinary compounding services
Key Pharmacy
Professional compounding pharmacy helping doctors and patients with custom prescription medications, natural hormone replacement, wellness products and nutritional supplements
Central Admixture Pharmacy Services Inc.
Offers IV admixture outsourcing services to hospitals and homecare providers
Evans City Pharmacy and Apothecary
Evans City Pharmacy supplies gifts, collectibles, compounding services, procarin, natural hormone replacement services, and supplements
Custom Formulated Prescriptions and Nutrition
A laboratory pharmacy where medications and nutrients are transformed into custom dosages for special needs - eliminate preservatives, unique medications, physician-designed nutritional and medicinal
Custom Care Pharmacy
Specialty compounding pharmacy; pain management - interthecal pump refills, natural hormone replacement therapy, TPA for catheter clearance (UNIT DOSE) - PICC, central and dialysis lines, nuclear phar
Compounding Pharmacy
specializing in hormone replacement therapy, anti-aging medicine including growth hormone, DHEA, Pregnenolone, Triple Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone
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