An independent, international health professional organization, founded upon the medical response to torture |
Organization for professionals in group practice medical management |
Organizes international cooperation in medical physics and allied subjects, and contributes to its advancement, especially in developing countries |
The Official Web Presence of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and the TRICARE Management Activity |
International group of medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare instituations, and industry professionals joining forces to reduce medical sharps injuries worldwide |
Professional group promoting the use of Computerized Regulation Thermography |
Publication catalog, media resources, health articles, and current health news |
Provides information about international health volunteer work and helps volunteers and organizations find each other |
A grassroots coalition of doctors, scientists and health care providers dedicated to advancing medicine through technology |
Nonprofit professional organization established to improve the quality of care in the dialysis industry and promote education, recognition through certification and licensing, job security, and employ |